On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 2:23 PM, Aaron Schaefer <aaron@elasticdog.com> wrote:
I do apologize for the lack of activity, but this summer has been extremely busy for me personally (graduated, moved to a new state, bought a house, got married, started a new job with an hour commute, had two close friends pass away, etc.). Anyway, I'll try to get back up and running this weekend as my new hardware is in, and I'll post back for help if I'm still experiencing issues as I was before. Congratulation for your marriage and the new home!!
As angvp said if you are inactive or busy just told us. We can fix your packages if you are flagged as inactive and now we know why you aren't working. On 02/11/2009, Angel Velásquez <angvp@archlinux.com.ve> wrote:
Btw, I wrote even (since I was her sponsor) asking what's happening? and if she will come back with us, I know Kessia is a responsible girl, so I am getting worried about her, I am waiting for the answer. Let us know.
-- Andrea `bash` Scarpino Arch Linux Developer