On Sun, 6 Jun 2010 11:29:04 +0200 Christian Himpel <chressie@googlemail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 3:18 AM, Stephen Weinberg <stephen@q5comm.com> wrote:
go-lang-hg http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=31913 This one is the best. It does not have any problems. It looks like it is mostly a copy of the one from abs except it fetches the tip instead of release. It also has provides/conflicts.
thanks, i'm the maintainer ;) this pkgbuild also supports the usage of godoc (by copying all .go source files in $GOROOT)
go-lang-hg has only one flaw, the name. I think it should be named go-hg since it is the hg of a package in community.
cheers, chressie
Cool, if one of the TUs agrees with us, then you can re-upload it with the new name package. Also, you are right, I forgot to add works with godoc to the list of reasons. I just thought that was implied when I said it was a copy of the community pkgbuild. The reason why I want everything cleaned up is I plan to package some libraries and bindings. Then I want to make a set of standards for packaging them. -- Stephen