2008/7/29 Angel Velásquez <angvp@archlinux.com.ve>:
I agree with Ronald, but i think that we've said enough, i hope this experience will teach us a lesson, and we worked as a team in that situation and i feel good with this.
Besides, i don't agree with blame Allan, could happened of any of us, the important fact is that we (his team) helped him with this situation, I don't want to blame Allan; My words was for all, and because this I have posted here. This situation could happen to all, you told, and you're right.
and i think that we discuss this in private if you have in mind to still talking about this, we have an irc channel #archlinux-tu and we can finish this subject there, i bet that many people will be talking about this just by reading this thread, and i honestly don't like the idea about that people talking about a thing that doesn't know how it was. Sorry, but we have this mailing list and I want to tell something that remain for future generations; so, without a private mailing list, I will continue to post here if I have something to tell at the TU group. If I need to say something in private ( like if I would want to blame Allan - it isn't the case ) I will use the IRC channel, or the private email.
the fact is that Jeff Horelick won't pass the discussion period, and we won't have a votation period for him, so it's all basicly :-).
+1 ;) I hope this discussion is closed now - Sorry if seems that I have something wrong with Allan, it wasn't my intentions.