Ok, I'll fix my packages. I'm "Diego" on AUR *Diego* 2013/6/26 Rob Til Freedmen <rob.til.freedman@gmail.com>
There are 828 packages from 299 maintainers where category is set to 'none' - another 209 packages are orphaned.
orphan - Buce https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?C=1&PP=250&SB=m&SO=a&O=0
buhman - gtmanfred https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?C=1&PP=250&SB=m&SO=a&O=250
gtmanfred - Perberos https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?C=1&PP=250&SB=m&SO=a&O=500
Perberos - yhager https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?C=1&PP=250&SB=m&SO=a&O=750
yhager - zosodk69 https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?C=1&PP=250&SB=m&SO=a&O=1000
full csv list of packages with category=none (no orphaned listed) http://sprunge.us/Necd
This top-20 list counting for nearly 50% of the packages 8 masterkorp 9 Huulivoide 9 zootboy 10 spider-mario 11 buhman 11 kevku 11 nbryskin 12 eworm 13 demonicmaniac 15 crocowhile 16 Mizuchi 16 t-8ch 18 taylorchu 21 chenxiaolong 27 Diego 32 gtmanfred 33 yhager 34 StefanHusmann 35 Perberos 43 Morfeo
full csv list maintainers with a count of packages with category=none http://sprunge.us/BDFD
I think this has no priority but should be fixed nevertheless.