Let's see how i can do this: @everyone: I was a bit harsh on my original "taking over packages" message and i agree that my original "message" would be the wrong approach. If i did send out a message like this...Well...I'd first refine my "template", but i'd also give probably a 1 month time period for a response. Here's my revised takeover message (for now): "Hello $uploader-name, i noticed that $package that you maintain in the AUR is out-of-date and doesn't work because of $error. Please fix your package or let me know that you're not going to at all so it can be taken over." I didn't mean to sound overly confrontational. :( @Allan - The package that failed on me was debootstrap so you're off the hook. :P @Angel (part1): Sorry, i don't have any documentation that qualifies me as a Debian Developer. I've been inactive for ~3-4 years now and every package i maintained has been taken over. @Angel (Part 2): I prefer i686, but i do have 3 x86_64 boxes that i can use to build packages if needed (Just have to install Arch on them). @DaNiMo & @Angel - I'll be honest, Arch just has that feeling that i can't use it as a primary desktop distro and i don't know why, but i'm trying to figure it out (and fix either me or the problem i have with Arch). Until that time though, i do run Arch on almost every box in my house besides my main desktop, my MythTV box and my server. @DaNiMo - hehe...I completely remember licensing issues and i was actually on the fence about uploading Charybdis because it uses OpenSSL (going to gnutls in their new release) and i remember all the OpenSSL licensing issues from my time with Debian. @DaNiMo/All - As i mentioned, my goal is 1 package a day. I can't guarantee that i will do 1 a day, every day, but i will try. As for being a TU...The biggest thing is to move packages that i find interesting/useful to community, be able to assist other AUR/Arch users better and be able to maintain packages that are unmaintained, but not orphaned. I hope this answers all of your questions/comments and i'll be around for a while to answer even more :) Thanks JD