1 Dec
1 Dec
8:59 p.m.
I've removed the pkgdir line, fixed the namcap warnings, Great!
and reuploaded the package now. Is the new .tar.gz file available at the same location? [1] I'm still getting the exact same set of files.
Thanks for your help, Thank *you* for taking the time to email this list.
is there anything else? Yes. The current PKGBUILD [2] lists a maintainer and two contributors. It's polite to list all three of them in the new PKGBUILD as contributors.
[1] http://nyuszika7h.cadoth.net/assets/aur/sic-1.2-1.src.tar.gz [2] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/si/sic/PKGBUILD --Jeremy