4 Nov
4 Nov
1:18 a.m.
On 11/4/18 2:00 AM, shoober420 via aur-general wrote: > I recently tried to be the maintainer for an package that hasn't been > updated in quite some time. I've been using my own PKGBUILD for the > particular package with great success, and currently am maintaining > the "lib32-sdl2-hg" 32 bit version of this package. > > Upon request of this package, It was denied for no reason given, You have, on the same day, posted four requests (PRQ#13128, PRQ#13129, PRQ#13131, PRQ#13138) each with the comment 'Yo I got this my dude.' - instead of anything useful. > except a disrespectful message from coderob and I quote. You're greatly misrepresenting this case. If anyone is being disrespectful here, that'd be you - considering all of your 'high quality' requests, and the fact that you've been posting passive-aggressive comments on some of the packages in question - namely 'sdl2-hg' and 'lib32-tslib', thinking the maintainer rejected your request out of spite or something. The last request out of the bunch, PRQ#13138, was in response to my closure of your requests. > "come back with a better request, my dude" > > So I did, I requested to maintain the package again, and was denied, Turns out, however, that 'YO I GOT THIS FOR REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAL' is not a good, or even appropriate, request either. > then my account got suspended. Whats the deal here? I wasn't warned > about anything I may have done wrong Your suspension will be lifted on the 9th, that'll be one week since i suspended you. Please think about the requests you post in the future, and try not to misrepresent your complaints on the ML - we have logs. -- Rob (coderobe) O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail - www.asciiribbon.org