On 3/17/19 5:29 AM, Martin Wilson wrote:
I've put together a package for upload to the AUR, but since it's my first, I would like to know if there are any problems with it:
Hello Martin. Here are my notes. Please note that this is my first review, so I would wait to hear from some of the more experienced community members to let you know if I get anything wrong. Quote all variables. Prepend $pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz:: to source to rename the source tarball: "$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::https://github.com/martin3141/tarquin/archive/v$pkgver.tar.gz" Add CMakeListsPatch.txt to source array. Don't forget to update the checksums after adding patch to source array. Change patch line in prepare() function from relative path to "$srcdir"/CMakeListsPatch.txt Also in the prepare() function, I would rather see proto.sh incorporated in the PKGBUILD directly. It is only 3 lines. The package() function can be shortened to one install line: install -Dm755 "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver/src/build/redist/"tarquin{,gui} -t "$pkgdir"/usr/bin Add a .gitignore to the repository. I prefer to exclude everything and explicitly add what is needed. Others prefer to explicitly exclude instead. My default .gitignore for AUR looks like this: * !PKGBUILD !.SRCINFO !.gitignore To that you would need to add !CMakeListsPatch.txt for this package. I hope this is helpful. Paul