2009/8/26 Nélson «VuDu» Cunha <vudu.curse@gmail.com>:
I agree that simple updates to PKGBUILDs should be easier. I've seen many packages with typos in PKGBUILDs, showing that the extra workload of having to archive the files and upload them doesn't necessary make users test things before uploading. That's all up to the maintainer's will to do things right.
What do you think?
I think this is a poor argumentation. "some maintainers are already screwing things up, so there is no problem with encouraging them / making all this easier for them" The fact is, maintainers should always test their changes, even the most trivial ones. Besides, with the existing AUR helpers [http://www.archlinux.it/wiki/index.php?title=AUR_Helpers] , it should make all this very easy : - download / extract current package - edit pkgbuild - run makepkg and namcap - makepkg --source and upload you could even automate all these steps easily I think.