Hi, I've been working on the splashy-creator package (updating it to 2.2), and had got it working, when I realised I had a potential problem. I needed to use sudo in the pkgbuild, and so far, I have never seen it used in a package. Is this OK, and/or is there away to avoid it? Here is my package build for inspection: # Contributor: Laurie Clark-Michalek <BluePeppers (at) archlinux (dot) us> pkgname=splashy-creator pkgver=2.2 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A tool for creating Splashy themes." arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://www.nanolx.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=34" license=('GPL3') depends=('sed' 'pygtk>=2.4' 'python>=2.4' 'splashy') makedepends=('sudo' 'patch') source=(http://nanolx.org/free/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.bz2 $pkgname.patch) md5sums=('615033a2cabab0b132ecc9aff2c07a7b' 'b8095120f36b5f2cc3b1704a7b2e32a6') build() { cd $srcdir/$pkgname ./configure patch ./Makefile $srcdir/splashy-creator.patch sudo make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install || return 1 } The patch is just a small one: 23c23 < @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/usr/bin/ ---
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/
Thanks, Laurie P.S. This is the first time I've used patch, so is the .patch file alright?