Yesterday I moved all packages from the orphan list, including all packages in [community] owned by stiat, dejari and zeus to unsupported. Molok's packages have been moved to unsupported a few days ago by someone else. So, if not done yet, the CVS accounts of stiat, dejari, zeus, and molok can be removed. Remains the few packages that need to be adopted in [community]. Please do so, I've already been asking this a couple of times. These packages are: adns 1.4-1 (swiergot (liboop) OR sergej)) freetype1 1.3.1-4 (sergej (w3cam)) helixplayer (snowman said he will either update it or move to unsupported) libpq++ (dsa (pgadmin3)) python-pysvn (dsa, you just uploaded it, just a notice you still need to adopt it) shapelib 1.2.10-3 (dtw (gen2shp&gpsmanshp), bfinch(xastir)) shorewall-perl 4.0.5-1 (dtw (shorewall))