15 Sep
15 Sep
8:30 a.m.
I only looked at two packages so far: * flobopuyo doesn't build on x86_64 fixed, added a couple of patches. I'll remove it from the list soon. * warzone2100 doesn't work on x86_64 version 2.1_beta4 builds, though I'm not quite happy with the stability of it. In 15 minutes playing it crashed on me once and locked another time. Maybe somebody else can give it a try (you need to install quesogl from unsupported as a builddep first) to see if it is just my hardware as at least both gentoo and fedora have it at least somewhere in their repos. Thanks On a general note, please don't add packages to the 'doesn't work on 64bit list' if it are just compile issues. Normally patches for it are just a few clicks away. Ronald