On 5/6/20 11:19 PM, Frederik Schwan via aur-general wrote:
Hi everyone, my name is Frederik aka freswa and I'm applying to become a Trusted User with svenstaro's and grazzolini's sponsorship.
I started using Linux around 2004 with some live images of Ubuntu. In 2010, Debian became my main OS. Only a year later I switched to Arch after I screwed up Debian/sid while hunting for the latest kernel. I'm interested in DevOps topics, mail server, C, Rust, Go and newer JVM languages such as Kotlin.
Thanks to svenstaro I've been a bug wrangler since February. You mostly hear from me when I assign bugs to the wrong people from time to time :P
That rings a bell, thanks for helping out with our bugtracker - even if that means some things get accidentally assigned wrong :p
OS contributions: - working on the dovecot-xaps code, providing native Mail.app Apple Push for iOS devices - maintaining and writing PKGBUILDs for the AUR - bug reporting and fixing for several projects
My AUR packages got reviewed recently by eschwartz, svenstaro and alad - thanks :)
Hey, i just submitted all AUR PKGBUILDs that you are a (co-)maintainer for to my PKGBUILD checker and there are a couple of things you should review most importantly: - all references to $srcdir & co should be quoted as those might contain spaces, leading to undesireable word-splitting - foo should never conflict/provide foo-git, those relations should work the other way around - http URLs should be upgraded to https when the remote supports it At the bottom of this mail you'll find the raw checker output, please review and adjust as needed :)
If I become a TU, I'd like to focus on the bug tracker until we have a better solution. I'd also like to help out bug fixing when maintainers are busy, away or on vacation.
Packages which I would like to move to [Community], some of which are not mine: docker-credential-pass i3status-rust intel-undervolt ispin mysqltuner pdfposter pinentry-rofi protobuf-go sha3sum spin talosctl thermald unifi woeusb
I'm aware though that some of these packages do not meet the criteria of 10 votes yet. I'll reevaluate whether they meet this criteria from time to time. I'd also like to go on helping Eli with maintenance of zfs-dkms and zfs-utils in the AUR.
AUR package maintenance is orthogonal to TU duties ^^ - you should talk to Eli directly about this
In case JetBrains is okay with us packaging their IDE's, I'd also maintain them. But so far all requests I found resulted in a negative response from JB.
As far as i know, JetBrains is quite adamant on people using their "Toolbox" for managing JetBrains software, good luck though.
I am looking forward to working with you! Frederik
Good luck with the rest of your application! Checker output mentioned above: adobe-icc: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 10 Offending line: url='http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/iccprofiles/iccprofiles_mac.html' Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 13 Offending line: source=('http://download.adobe.com/pub/adobe/iccprofiles/mac/AdobeICCProfilesCS4Mac_e...' brother-hl4150cdn: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 9 Offending line: url='http://support.brother.com/g/b/downloadlist.aspx?c=de&lang=de&prod=hl4150cdn_all&os=127&flang=English' Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 17 Offending line: "http://download.brother.com/welcome/dlf005939/hl4150cdnlpr-${pkgver}-${pkgrel}.i386.rpm" Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 18 Offending line: "http://download.brother.com/welcome/dlf005941/hl4150cdncupswrapper-${pkgver}-${pkgrel}.i386.rpm") datagrip: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 9 Offending line: url='http://www.jetbrains.com/datagrip/' dovecot-xaps-daemon: Style: 'conflicts' on line 10 should not contain other variant(s) of 'dovecot-xaps-daemon' Offending line: conflicts=('dovecot-xaps-daemon-git') dovecot-xaps-plugin: Style: 'conflicts' on line 11 should not contain other variant(s) of 'dovecot-xaps-plugin' Offending line: conflicts=('dovecot-xaps-plugin-git') exfat-utils-nofuse: Error: Potentially unquoted variable may contain spaces and should be quoted on line 22 Offending line: patch -p0 < ${srcdir}/nofuse.patch flexbox-udev: Error: Potentially unquoted variable may contain spaces and should be quoted on line 14 Offending line: install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/99-tprogrammer.rules ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/99-tprogrammer.rules gtkhotkey: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 17 Offending line: source=("http://launchpad.net/$pkgname/0.2/$pkgver/+download/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz" hipchat: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 6 Offending line: # Contributor: Tom Vincent <http://tlvince.com/contact> imapsync: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 8 Offending line: url='http://www.linux-france.org/prj/' ispin: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 9 Offending line: url='http://spinroot.com/' jetbrains-toolbox: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 8 Offending line: url='http://www.jetbrains.com/toolbox/' jtool-bin: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 8 Offending line: url='http://www.newosxbook.com/tools/jtool.html' Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 10 Offending line: source=('http://www.newosxbook.com/tools/jtool.tar') libpurple-lurch: Style: 'provides' on line 12 should not contain other variant(s) of 'libpurple-lurch' Offending line: provides=('libpurple-lurch-git') makemkv-cli: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 9 Offending line: url='http://www.makemkv.com' minetime-bin: Style: 'pkgdesc' on line 5 should not end on punctuation Offending line: pkgdesc='MineTime is a modern, intuitive and smart calendar application.' namebench: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 10 Offending line: url='http://code.google.com/p/namebench/' nameinator: Error: Potentially unquoted variable may contain spaces and should be quoted on line 32 Offending line: install -Dm755 ${srcdir}/gopath/bin/${pkgname} "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/${pkgname} onivim2: Style: 'conflicts' on line 14 should not contain other variant(s) of 'onivim2' Offending line: conflicts=('onivim2-git') or-tools-java: Style: 'pkgdesc' on line 5 should not end on punctuation Offending line: pkgdesc='Google`s Operations Research tools. With Java bindings.' Error: Potentially unquoted variable may contain spaces and should be quoted on line 46 Offending line: for i in ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgname}/*.so.*; do ln -rs ${i} ${i%so.*}so; done parcimonie-sh-git: Style: 'validpgpkeys' on line 14 is empty and should be removed Offending line: validpgpkeys=( perl-http-dav: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 10 Offending line: url='http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTTP-DAV' Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 11 Offending line: source=("http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/C/CO/COSIMO/HTTP-DAV-${pkgver}.tar.gz") perl-json-webtoken: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 8 Offending line: url="http://search.cpan.org/~xaicron/JSON-WebToken/" Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 13 Offending line: source=("http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/X/XA/XAICRON/JSON-WebToken-${pkgver}.tar.gz") perl-ntlm: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 9 Offending line: url='http://search.cpan.org/~nbebout/NTLM/' Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 12 Offending line: source=("http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/N/NB/NBEBOUT/NTLM-${pkgver}.tar.gz") pxz: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 11 Offending line: url='http://jnovy.fedorapeople.org/pxz/' sendip: Style: 'pkgdesc' on line 7 should not end on punctuation Offending line: pkgdesc='A commandline tool to allow sending arbitrary IP packets.' thunderbird-nightly: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 12 Offending line: url="http://www.mozilla.org/thunderbird" tomighty: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 9 Offending line: url='http://www.tomighty.org/' ttf-freebanglafont: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 10 Offending line: url='http://www.ekushey.org/' ttf-ubraille: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 10 Offending line: url='http://yudit.org/download/fonts/UBraille/' Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 14 Offending line: source=('http://yudit.org/download/fonts/UBraille/UBraille.ttf') webstorm: Style: 'pkgdesc' on line 8 should not end on punctuation Offending line: pkgdesc='JavaScript IDE and HTML editor.' xfce-polkit: Style: 'conflicts' on line 11 should not contain other variant(s) of 'xfce-polkit' Offending line: conflicts=('xfce-polkit-git' 'polkit-gnome') youtrack: Warning: Potentially unintentional HTTP URL on line 8 Offending line: url='http://www.jetbrains.com/youtrack/' -- Rob (coderobe) O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail - www.asciiribbon.org