13 Jan
13 Jan
1:01 a.m.
On Sat, 12 Jan 2008 15:54:23 +0100 "Ronald van Haren" <pressh gmail com> wrote:
If anyone could step up to check the same for molok's packages I would be glad :)
I have checked the orphans and mOLOk's packages if they are depends or makedepends of other community packages. Here is a list of the relevant packages with their maintainers: freetype1: w3cam (sergej) libggi: libggimisc (dejari) libgii: libgiigic (dejari) libpq++: pgadmin3 (dsa) perl-io-stringy: perl-class-trigger (firmicus) perl-mail-box (sergej) perl-mime-tools (firmicus) shapelib: gen2shp (dtw) gpsmanshp (dtw) xastir (bfinch) shorewall-perl: shorewall (dtw) Alex