27 Jul
27 Jul
6:39 p.m.
2008/7/27 Jeff Horelick <jdhore1@gmail.com>:
As far as what i've maintained when i was a Debian developer: I've maintained msttcorefonts, early versions of conky, gftp and a few other things i don't remember (It was 4 years ago).
Hi. Here are changelogs of msttcorefonts: http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/contrib/m/msttcorefonts/msttcoref... ... conky: http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/c/conky/conky_1.4.4-1/change... .. and gftp: http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/g/gftp/gftp_2.0.18-17/change... I don't see your name in these changelogs. Can you explain this? Regards, Mateusz.