As a non-TU, I think it is important to see what can people really do for the Arch community and not to accuse them of plagiarism right at the start of their journey. -- Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity. Hector Martinez-Seara <> wrote:
Where I come from, plagiarism is a serious offense. It seems to my non-TU eyes that writing an original application is the least Timothy could do...
Seems to me that where you come from the people has too much free time. I'm starting to be sick about this thing of plagiarism. If something has been done fine once why to reinvent the wheel. It is better to invest one's time in doing something useful. Maybe the only thing that was done wrong in this case was not to add the correct citation to the original source. Hector -- Hector Martínez-Seara Monné mail: Tel: +34656271145 Tel: +358442709253