On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 8:22 AM, Hannes Rist <cowider@gmail.com> wrote:
Andreas Altergott <altergott@mira-consulting.net> writes:
aur-notify@archlinux.org wrote:
Missing i686 Packages: No new package supplied for jap 00.10.003-1!
-- This is an automated message. If you wish to stop receiving it twice a day, fix the package(s).
I don't quite get it. What is this message trying to tell me? Anyway, this package looks very strange on AUR <http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=9153>. Shouldn't there be at least a package build?
The AUR doesn't display the correct links. You can get the PKGBUILDs for community packages via abs - just remove any !'s before community in /etc/abs.conf and run abs
you shouldn't worry about these messages, it's meant for us TUs. It basically means that a PKGBUILD is tagged for a particular architecture but the package was not uploaded. ps. you can browse the community tree via the http://repos.archlinux.org/viewvc.cgi/community/?root=community