[aur-general] TU Application
Hi all, I'd like to re-apply to my TU position. Since I've resigned [0], many things happened, in my life, and work. In these times I was very dissapointed about myself, cause I was having problems to handle my life, my projects, and of course, Arch, then I decided to go on with less workload at least. Now, I have free time again to dedicate it to the community and the project, and my goals this time are more specific from my first application [1], this time I'd like to: a) Improve and support the python and haskell scene since I am enthusiastic of these languages b) To help others TU, or Devs (with the permission of them), to reduce their loads on community doing tests, maintaining, updating or just simply building their packages in the differents architectures (I have i686 and x86_64 but now I am using x86_64) c) Report, and close bugs from me and others TU or Devs (away or with highly load), of course with the permission of them. d) Maintain and collaborate with the Arch Project in general, writting in the wiki, random coding, etc. I talked with Evangelos Foutras a.k.a foutrelis to ask him if he would like to be my sponsor, and he accepted, so since I knew many of you when I was a TU, I hope you will recognize my skills and my dedication on this project, and even when I wasn't active (as a TU) I ever tried to be helping with the distro, and I always try to do my best overall. Sincerely. [0] http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2009-February/003742.html [1] http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2008-May/001479.html [2] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?K=angvp&SeB=m -- Angel Velásquez angvp @ irc.freenode.net Linux Counter: #359909
Angel Velásquez wrote:
Hi all,
I'd like to re-apply to my TU position.
Since I've resigned [0], many things happened, in my life, and work. In these times I was very dissapointed about myself, cause I was having problems to handle my life, my projects, and of course, Arch, then I decided to go on with less workload at least.
Now, I have free time again to dedicate it to the community and the project, and my goals this time are more specific from my first application [1], this time I'd like to:
a) Improve and support the python and haskell scene since I am enthusiastic of these languages b) To help others TU, or Devs (with the permission of them), to reduce their loads on community doing tests, maintaining, updating or just simply building their packages in the differents architectures (I have i686 and x86_64 but now I am using x86_64) c) Report, and close bugs from me and others TU or Devs (away or with highly load), of course with the permission of them. d) Maintain and collaborate with the Arch Project in general, writting in the wiki, random coding, etc.
I talked with Evangelos Foutras a.k.a foutrelis to ask him if he would like to be my sponsor, and he accepted, so since I knew many of you when I was a TU, I hope you will recognize my skills and my dedication on this project, and even when I wasn't active (as a TU) I ever tried to be helping with the distro, and I always try to do my best overall.
[0] http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2009-February/003742.html
[1] http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2008-May/001479.html
I'm glad that you decided to apply again. :) Let the discussion period begin.
Hi. I quickly ran namcap over your aur PKGBUILDs. The following cropped up, which you might like to have a look at: ~ namcap-aur-pkgs $(aur-maintainer-pkgs angvp) PKGBUILD (gr-lida) E: File referenced in $startdir outside of $startdir/src or $startdir/pkg PKGBUILD (gr-lida) E: File referenced in $startdir outside of $startdir/src or $startdir/pkg PKGBUILD (pykaraoke) W: Description should not contain the package name. PKGBUILD (pykaraoke) W: Attempting to use dl sourceforge domain, use downloads.sourceforge.net instead PKGBUILD (torrentflux) W: Description should not contain the package name. PKGBUILD (torrentflux) W: Attempting to use specific sourceforge mirror, use downloads.sourceforge.net instead I don't know if these are inherited errors, but anyway, they're there. Best of luck, Laurie 2009/10/10 Daenyth Blank <daenyth+arch@gmail.com>:
On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 15:12, Evangelos Foutras <foutrelis@gmail.com> wrote:
Angel Velásquez wrote:
Hi all,
I'd like to re-apply to my TU position.
Great! :D
On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 5:14 PM, Laurie Clark-Michalek <bluepeppers@archlinux.us> wrote:
I quickly ran namcap over your aur PKGBUILDs. The following cropped up, which you might like to have a look at:
~ namcap-aur-pkgs $(aur-maintainer-pkgs angvp) PKGBUILD (gr-lida) E: File referenced in $startdir outside of $startdir/src or $startdir/pkg PKGBUILD (gr-lida) E: File referenced in $startdir outside of $startdir/src or $startdir/pkg PKGBUILD (pykaraoke) W: Description should not contain the package name. PKGBUILD (pykaraoke) W: Attempting to use dl sourceforge domain, use downloads.sourceforge.net instead PKGBUILD (torrentflux) W: Description should not contain the package name. PKGBUILD (torrentflux) W: Attempting to use specific sourceforge mirror, use downloads.sourceforge.net instead
I don't know if these are inherited errors, but anyway, they're there.
Best of luck,
Hi Laurie, Thanks for namcap my PKGBUILD's, I will correct the warnings tonight, and upload someothers PKGBUILD's that I have pending to update / improve. Cheers -- Angel Velásquez angvp @ irc.freenode.net Linux Counter: #359909
On 10/10/2009, Angel Velásquez <angvp@archlinux.com.ve> wrote:
Hi all,
I'd like to re-apply to my TU position. Nice to see you again ;)
a) Improve and support the python and haskell scene since I am enthusiastic of these languages I like this point!
-- Andrea `bash` Scarpino Arch Linux Developer
Angel Velásquez schrieb:
Hi all,
I'd like to re-apply to my TU position.
Since I've resigned [0], many things happened, in my life, and work. In these times I was very dissapointed about myself, cause I was having problems to handle my life, my projects, and of course, Arch, then I decided to go on with less workload at least.
Now, I have free time again to dedicate it to the community and the project, and my goals this time are more specific from my first application [1], this time I'd like to:
a) Improve and support the python and haskell scene since I am enthusiastic of these languages b) To help others TU, or Devs (with the permission of them), to reduce their loads on community doing tests, maintaining, updating or just simply building their packages in the differents architectures (I have i686 and x86_64 but now I am using x86_64) c) Report, and close bugs from me and others TU or Devs (away or with highly load), of course with the permission of them. d) Maintain and collaborate with the Arch Project in general, writting in the wiki, random coding, etc.
I talked with Evangelos Foutras a.k.a foutrelis to ask him if he would like to be my sponsor, and he accepted, so since I knew many of you when I was a TU, I hope you will recognize my skills and my dedication on this project, and even when I wasn't active (as a TU) I ever tried to be helping with the distro, and I always try to do my best overall.
[0] http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2009-February/003742.html
[1] http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2008-May/001479.html
Welcome back, Angel!
2009/10/10, Angel Velásquez <angvp@archlinux.com.ve>:
Hi all,
I'd like to re-apply to my TU position.
Welcome back, Angel. :-) -- Arch Linux Developer http://www.archlinux.org http://www.archlinux.it
2009/10/10 Angel Velásquez <angvp@archlinux.com.ve>:
Hi all,
I'd like to re-apply to my TU position.
This is just great! I'm very happy you can contribute again :)
agnvp :D 2009/10/11 bardo <ilbardo@gmail.com>
2009/10/10 Angel Velásquez <angvp@archlinux.com.ve>:
Hi all,
I'd like to re-apply to my TU position.
This is just great! I'm very happy you can contribute again :)
-- corvolino ~ Linux User #459152 Blog - http://corvolinopunk.wordpress.com Archlinux-br Developer Team
agnvp :D -- corvolino ~ Linux User #459152 Blog - http://corvolinopunk.wordpress.com Archlinux-br Developer Team
agvnp :D
Angel Velasquez wrote:
Now, I have free time again to dedicate it to the community and the project, and my goals this time are more specific from my first application [1], this time I'd like to:
a) Improve and support the python and haskell scene since I am enthusiastic of these languages
Welcome back! You *definitely* have my vote. I like your goals. Python and Haskell are both very nice languages. Good luck, -- Chris
On Sat, 10 Oct 2009 16:03:05 -0300 Angel Velásquez <angvp@archlinux.com.ve> wrote:
Hi all,
I'd like to re-apply to my TU position.
Since I've resigned [0], many things happened, in my life, and work. In these times I was very dissapointed about myself, cause I was having problems to handle my life, my projects, and of course, Arch, then I decided to go on with less workload at least.
Now, I have free time again to dedicate it to the community and the project, and my goals this time are more specific from my first application [1], this time I'd like to:
"Welcome back!" +1 :) Considering the overwhelmingly positive reaction, it looks like the vote is just a formality. ;)
a) Improve and support the python and haskell scene since I am enthusiastic of these languages :) +1
On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 7:06 PM, Xyne <xyne@archlinux.ca> wrote:
On Sat, 10 Oct 2009 16:03:05 -0300 Angel Velásquez <angvp@archlinux.com.ve> wrote:
Hi all,
I'd like to re-apply to my TU position.
Since I've resigned [0], many things happened, in my life, and work. In these times I was very dissapointed about myself, cause I was having problems to handle my life, my projects, and of course, Arch, then I decided to go on with less workload at least.
Now, I have free time again to dedicate it to the community and the project, and my goals this time are more specific from my first application [1], this time I'd like to:
"Welcome back!" +1 :)
yes, very nice to see you coming back :-)
Considering the overwhelmingly positive reaction, it looks like the vote is just a formality. ;)
yes I suppose it is.
participants (12)
Andrea Scarpino
Angel Velásquez
Chris Brannon
Daenyth Blank
Evangelos Foutras
Giovanni Scafora
Laurie Clark-Michalek
Ronald van Haren
Stefan Husmann