Hello developers. :-) I noticed that makepkg handles Mercurial repositories differently from CVS/SVN/Bazaar/etc. With the others, $newpkgver is either computed using $(date ...) or retrieved from the online repository and the PKGBUILD is responsible for retrieving the contents as it is demonstrated here: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_CVS_%6_SVN_PKGBUILD_guidelines. Only with hg the repository is automatically cloned, pulled and updated: - - - - - makepkg, in devel_check(), lines 1211 and following - - - - - if [ -n "${_darcstrunk}" -a -n "${_darcsmod}" ] ; then [ $(type -p darcs) ] || return 0 msg "$(gettext "Determining latest darcs revision...")" newpkgver=$(date +%Y%m%d) elif [ -n "${_cvsroot}" -a -n "${_cvsmod}" ] ; then [ $(type -p cvs) ] || return 0 msg "$(gettext "Determining latest cvs revision...")" newpkgver=$(date +%Y%m%d) elif [ -n "${_gitroot}" -a -n "${_gitname}" ] ; then [ $(type -p git) ] || return 0 msg "$(gettext "Determining latest git revision...")" newpkgver=$(date +%Y%m%d) elif [ -n "${_svntrunk}" -a -n "${_svnmod}" ] ; then [ $(type -p svn) ] || return 0 msg "$(gettext "Determining latest svn revision...")" newpkgver=$(LC_ALL=C svn info $_svntrunk | sed -n 's/^Last Changed Rev: \([0-9]*\)$/\1/p') elif [ -n "${_bzrtrunk}" -a -n "${_bzrmod}" ] ; then [ $(type -p bzr) ] || return 0 msg "$(gettext "Determining latest bzr revision...")" newpkgver=$(bzr revno ${_bzrtrunk}) elif [ -n "${_hgroot}" -a -n "${_hgrepo}" ] ; then [ $(type -p hg) ] || return 0 msg "$(gettext "Determining latest hg revision...")" if [ -d ./src/$_hgrepo ] ; then cd ./src/$_hgrepo hg pull hg update else [[ ! -d ./src/ ]] && mkdir ./src/ hg clone $_hgroot/$_hgrepo ./src/$_hgrepo cd ./src/$_hgrepo fi newpkgver=$(hg tip --template "{rev}") cd ../../ fi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This behaviour seems to be widely unknown, which leads to a lot of PKGBUILDS pulling/updating twice - first automatically and then again in build(): http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/aldrin-hg/aldrin-hg/PKGBUILD http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/audacious-hg/audacious-hg/PKGBUILD ... I just wonder why hg is handled differently and whether it wouldn't be better a) also to clone/update/pull/... svn/bzr/cvs/etc. in devel_check() - cf. http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/The_Arch_Way regarding automation or b) to remove devel_check() entirely, but leave devel_update() and let the PKGBUILD handle such changes, eg. like this: - - - complete example PKGBUILD in case anyone wants to try it - - - # Contributor: Artyom Smirnov <smirnoffjr@gmail.com> # Contributor: Benjamin Richter <webmaster@waldteufel-online.net> pkgname=gajim-hg pkgver=10960 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Jabber/XMMP instant messenger client written in PyGTK" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://gajim.org" license=('GPL') depends=('python>=2.5' 'pygtk>=2.12' 'sqlite3' 'dnsutils') makedepends=('python>=2.5' 'pygtk>=2.12' 'gtk2' 'libxss' 'dbus' 'gtkspell' 'intltool>=0.40.1' 'automake>=1.8' 'autoconf>=2.59' 'libtool' 'pkgconfig>=0.19') optdepends=('pyopenssl: secure SSL/TLS' 'pycrypto: End to end encryption' 'dbus-glib: link-local messaging (install python-avahi!)' 'python-avahi: link-local messaging (install dbus-glib!)' 'dnsutils: SRV support' 'gtkspell: Spell checking (install aspell-LANG!)' 'gnome-python-extras: GNOME integration' 'gnome-python-desktop: Keyring support' 'python-notify: Notification popups' 'dbus-python' 'python-sexy: for clickable URLs' 'python-kerberos>=1.1: GSSAPI authentication') provides=('gajim') conflicts=('gajim' 'gajim-svn') options=(!libtool) source=() md5sums=() scm_hg() { [[ -d "$2" ]] || hg clone "$1" "$2" || return cd "$2" ; hg pull -u || return newpkgver=$(hg tip --template '{rev}') } scm_retrieve() { [[ -z "$REPO_LATEST" ]] || return 0 export REPO_LATEST=1 msg "$(gettext "Determining latest $1 revision...")" cd "${srcdir}" "scm_${1}" "$2" "$3" msg2 "$(gettext 'Version found: %s')" "${newpkgver}" cd "${startdir}" devel_update } scm_retrieve hg http://hg.gajim.org/gajim gajim build() { cp -al gajim gajim-build cd gajim-build ./autogen.sh || return ./configure --prefix=/usr || return make || return make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install || return cd .. rm -r gajim-build find "${pkgdir}/usr/share/gajim/" -name "*.pyo" | xargs rm } - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cf. http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/The_Arch_Way regarding freedom (in this case: ... of the PKGBUILDer to choose by which means to retrieve sources under SCM) btw.: This latter approach already works without any change in makepkg. The question is whether it is advisable, especially because there is code outside build() which is run when the PKGBUILD is sourced, which happens twice because of fakeroot. This is why this PKGBUILD needs either the variable $REPO_LATEST or a rather ugly check whether makepkg is running in fakeroot (INFAKEROOT=1), which I'd rather not use because $INFAKEROOT is more like an implementation detail of makepkg. All this could be avoided by introducing another function - eg. update() - into the PKGBUILD which is run only once - that is: after sourcing the PKGBUILD when outside fakeroot - and sets $newpkgver, which would then be read by devel_update, which would be called after update() automatically. Makepkg would detect the existence of a function called update() and display the appropriate messages - eg. "Updating PKGBUILD...". The PKGBUILD would then look like this - provided that update() is called in $srcdir: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - another example - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pkgname=gajim-hg #... variables as before update() { [[ -d gajim ]] || hg clone http://hg.gajim.org/gajim || return 1 hg pull -u -R gajim || return 1 newpkgver=$(hg tip --template '{rev}' -R gajim) } #... build() as before - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - update() could also be called scm_retrieve() or something like that. Any opinions? Kind regards. Benjamin Richter (aka Waldteufel)