On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 3:43 PM, Dan McGee <dpmcgee@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 5:01 AM, Ciprian Dorin, Craciun <ciprian.craciun@gmail.com> wrote:
[... snip ...] * if one has declared of using only MD5 sums (most of the packages do this), it insists on using `openssl dgst` to create them; See commit b8a66d68593d1f267c3bb8cd8943724711626903 as Allan pointed out, which was to fix FS#10530. You'd be reverting that which is not really what we want.
Looking closer at what the mentioned patch introduced: ~~~~ - local sum="$(${integ}sum "$file" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" + local sum="$(openssl dgst -${integ} "$file" | awk '{print $NF}')" ~~~~ I'm proposing not to get back to what it has been (which assumed that there was a md5sum sha128sum, <something-else>sum), but I'm proposing that for md5 we should use md5sum, which I'm sure it exists on any UNIX. Or better even, try to see if openssl exists, if not falling back to md5sum, at least for md5sums... This doesn't break anything, and it allows makepkg to work without openssl.
* it insists on using file tool to identify the file type; Allan got this one. (FS#6246)
I understand that `file` tool was introduced to enhance makepkg, and I'm not proposing to drop it, but instead if `file` does not exist, to fall-back to file-extension handling.
[... snip ...] -Dan
Please see that I'm saying everywhere: If <something> tool does not exist, switch back, that is fallback, to some more primitive way of solving things. Ciprian.