On Wed, Jul 04, 2007 at 10:50:05PM +0200, Xavier wrote:
2007/7/4, Xavier <shiningxc@gmail.com>:
I ran : LANG=C src/pacman/pacman --conf pacman.conf -Ud /var/cache/pacman/pkg/filesystem-0.8-3.pkg.tar.gz --debug > log1
Check the end of the log1 file, beginning at line 575. It's just crazy...
compressing the log since it was too big otherwise..
hmm I made a tiny progress on this one, looks like the bug appears with this error: 550 debug: chrooting in /home/xav/dev/pacman/foo/ 551 error: could not change the root directory (Operation not permitted) This happens when : 1) running as user 2) installing a package with a scriptlet (like filesystem) When running as root, the operation is permitted, so that error doesn't appear, and pacman debug output is fine. And that chroot is apparently made for scriptlets, so when there aren't any, it doesn't happen (and in this case also, the log is fine too). So, I'm wondering several things : is this chroot needed ? if it's needed, and it isn't allowed as an user, then is there no way to correctly a package as a simple user ? That's again an unusual case, but well I would still like to know more about it :) There is a second problem (still unusual case) that I need to figure out : when first installing a package as root, then installing a package as user, I get the error and behavior as described here : http://www.archlinux.org/pipermail/pacman-dev/2007-April/008008.html ie pacman freezes and can't even be cancelled with ctrl+C. It would be nicer if it exited cleanly instead :)