[arch-dev-public] 2007.08 Don't Panic Isos release

Aaron Griffin aaronmgriffin at gmail.com
Mon Aug 6 11:23:32 EDT 2007

On 8/6/07, Damir Perisa <damir.perisa at solnet.ch> wrote:
> why not using it? if the software you use is coded correctly, this
> should be absolutely no problem. the filename is translated and used
> as a string with boundaries that of course may be ' and ' but your
> script is known to mess with ' in a string you should substitute it.

Because you can't ensure that all possible software that all possible
users are using is 100% sane. I mean, people might be downloading the
iso on _any_ os using _any_ software.

I agree with that poster that the ' should never have been in the file name.

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