[arch-dev-public] Amarok 1.4.7 packages release

Damir Perisa damir.perisa at solnet.ch
Mon Aug 13 08:15:10 EDT 2007

regarding amarok 1.4.7 packaging:

as you may have already read, i have built it for i686 and commited 
the changes to CVS HEAD (they are not tagged CURRENT yet!)

the release is out officially on thursday and amarok people do not 
want anything released before. we respect this, so i will release the 
i686 build on wednesday night before going to sleep.

please see to it that we have the 64bit build built and released also 
in the night between wednesday and thursday and not before.


Damir Perisa
Master Student
Biozentrum, University of Basel
Department Biochemistry / Focal Area Infection Biology  
Klingelbergstrasse 50-70
CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland
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