[arch-dev-public] Definition of non-free for repo-reorg

Jürgen Hötzel juergen at hoetzel.info
Thu Jul 12 12:04:40 EDT 2007

On Thu, Jul 12, 2007 at 12:17:08PM +0200, Damir Perisa wrote:
> Thursday 12 July 2007, Simo Leone wrote:
>  | I still don't see the need. We've never bothered in the past and
>  | it's just making things more complicated, why bother now?
> i agree
> why making all this mess?
> to satisfy the fundamentalists, i would suggest, that you can specify 
> in pacman.conf, what licences you agree to and what licences you do 
> not agree to. then pacman will know what is "allowed" to be 
> installed.
> whenever a new licence comes up (with a new pkg) pacman would ask: do 
> you agree to licence XYZ? licence XYZ can be found 
> under /path/to/licence if you want to read it. Y/N? and then pacman 
> would add this result to pacman.conf

Featuritis. Another pacman feature, that should not be part of a simple lightweight
package manager.  

A user can query the database for non-free software and just remove it. He
has all the tools to do this. Please don't loose track of
archlinux/pacman's philosophy.


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