[arch-dev-public] Where [erxtra] ends and [community] begins

Damir Perisa damir.perisa at solnet.ch
Sun Oct 14 17:43:17 EDT 2007

Sunday 14 October 2007, Roman Kyrylych wrote:
 | Yes, but developers also can (and some of them do) maintain
 | packages in community.

yes, but as TU's not as devs. their function there is different.

i do not want to addopt any pkgs in community. i wanted to help out 
building for 64bit there just because i had some cpu cycles to spare 
a afternoon. 

if a dev goes to community to maintain some packages, it is 1) taking 
manpower that should come from TUs 2) stepping into the work of TUs 
and spending more time off the devs playground. of course it is not 
really bad, but don't you have enough official pkgs to maintain?

- D

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