[arch-dev-public] A big baad idea: ArchCon 2009

Damir Perisa damir.perisa at solnet.ch
Sun Sep 16 04:20:37 EDT 2007

Sunday 16 September 2007, Tom K wrote:
 | http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=shebang
 | (Didn't Aaron already tell you about urbandict? :P)

true... but i out of practice ask for foreign words more directly than 
looking them up :)

 | > the idea sounds great... but is it realisable? ... we are all
 | > from other regions!
 | One of the many good reasons to do it, IMO.
 | Yes, it can be done - for the moment, it would be enough to know
 | if people like the idea. So thanks!

ah ok. sure i like the idea. 2 years are however quite a long time to 
go. i'm willing to travel in europe and if it is not in europe, i 
would like to link it to something for me (e.g. a conference, a trip 
to buenos aires to learn tango properly, a trip to china to learn 
chinese, a trip to japan to learn japanese, ...). 

- D

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