[arch-dev-public] Shared or static build of Opera

Daniel Isenmann daniel.isenmann at gmx.de
Mon Dec 29 03:55:25 EST 2008


in the last time this topic appears again and again. A few weeks/months ago I have changed the opera package from the shared build Qt3 version to the static build Qt4 version for i686. I have done this because some users wanted it. Opera doesn't provide a shared build Qt4 version at all and there is also no x86_64 Qt4 version, just Qt3 (shared and static) version.

Now I want your opinion about this topic. Should we stay at the Qt4 static build for i686 or should we changed back to the Qt3 shared build? Personally I don't care if it's a shared or static version. If we stay with the i686 static Qt4 version, then the following bug entry is right and I have to remove the Qt dependency for the i686 version because of the static build. 

Here is the bug entry at flyspray: http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/12588

Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger

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