[arch-dev-public] Ohloh

Aaron Griffin aaronmgriffin at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 11:35:12 EDT 2009

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 9:00 AM, Roman Kyrylych<roman.kyrylych at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 23:14, Roman Kyrylych<roman.kyrylych at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 02:41, Dan McGee<dpmcgee at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 6:47 PM, Roman Kyrylych<roman.kyrylych at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello!
>>>> This is not really related to a 'real job' (sorry!) but it's quite interesting
>>>> since it represents Arch on a quite large FOSS-related site,
>>>> and it is actually an interesting source of statistics.
>>>> As someone of you may know - there are Arch Linux related projects
>>>> registered on Ohloh:
>>>> * Arch Linux - most git repositories from projects.archlinux.org
>>>> * Arch Linux Packages - our SVN and community CVS
>>>> (we should add community SVN when it's ready, but make sure old CVS
>>>> history is retained)
>>>> * AUR - aur.git
>>>> * Arch Linux Installer - installer.git (but not aif.git)
>>>> * Pacman - pacman.git
>>>> Is this structure OK or does someone have a suggestions for changes?
>>>> For example, would it be better to move aif.git to Arch Linux Installer
>>>> or merge installer.git into Arch Linux? (IMO 2nd way i's better).
>>>> They also have Managers feature now, so it would be nice if Aaron
>>>> (they suggest that it should be "Someone who works on the project.
>>>> Ideally the owner, founder, lead developer, or release manager.")
>>>> took management of all our projects and modified permissions
>>>> to protect from vandalism.
>>> I'd say you are welcome to take the lead on this and do what you think
>>> needs to be done.
>> Okay.
>> Corrected the URL to our SVN. Will see how it will update statistics.
>> More changes will follow later.
> It took lots of time during which a couple of bugs in Ohloh were uncovered,
> but thanks to the great support from Ohloh team our huge repo is now imported.
> You can browse some stats at
> https://www.ohloh.net/p/4510/analyses/latest
> It's fun that Ohloh thinks we have quite alot of D source code
> - this is due to foobar.conf.d files bundled with some packages.

Nice. Pierre's and Allan's primary language is D!

> Note that all our current/core/extra/unstable CVS repos history
> is missing after SVN was finally imported.
> I'm not sure about CVS/SVN URLs for our old repos,
> could someone please provide me with the following info:
> * CVS URL to our old current/core/extra/unstable CVS repos

Hmm we don't have cvs pserver running anymore. Can we authenticate
over ssh safely? If so, they're all located in /srv/cvs on gerolde

>  - is it correct? (Ohloh could not update from that URL for a long time)
> * SVN URL to the new community SVN repo

svn+ssh://aur.archlinux.org/srv/svn-packages - same as gerolde, just
different hostname

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