[arch-dev-public] kde 4.5.0

Ronald van Haren pressh at gmail.com
Wed Aug 18 06:04:39 EDT 2010

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 11:46 AM, Thomas Bächler <thomas at archlinux.org> wrote:
> Am 18.08.2010 10:15, schrieb Ronald van Haren:
>> hey guys,
>> Yesterday I went through all open bug reports for kde 4.5.0 and was
>> able to close all of them (old user config issues/only updated part of
>> packages to testing/etc) except one [1], which seems to be ati/intel
>> related, causing the screen not to be updated when changing some
>> system settings if opengl compositing is used on some ati/intel cards.
>> opengl itself should work, just changing the settings hangs the
>> screen, xrender and no compositing are not affected (there is no fix
>> yet and it may as well be a bug in mesa or some).
>> As there are no other open kde 4.5.0 bug reports, I suppose it is time
>> to push it to extra and make place in testing now the translations are
>> in place. Should I write an announcement for the above issue?
> I do not experience any serious graphics bugs, but I have three issues
> which I didn't report yet:
> 1) Sometimes, when I change settings in 'systemsettings' (forgot which
> ones, have to investigate again), kwin and/or plasma-desktop freeze and
> I cannot do anything but move the mouse or switch to VT.

is this different than [1] (upstream [2]) I linked in my first post?
What videocard do you have, can you hit alt-shift-f12 twice next it
happens to disable/enable compositing?

[1] http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/20469
[2] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=241402

> 2) dolphin segfaults. A lot. All the time. It's annoying.

I know this happened on the 4.5 release candidates when tooltips or
the information panel were enabled. The fix should have been included
in the latest set of source tarballs, but can you test nevertheless if
disabling those fixes it?

> 3) I don't understand why, but starting xbindkeys with KDE's autostart
> is broken: When I want to use qdbus or dolphin from xbindkeys, nothing
> happens. When I kill and launch it again later, everything seems to work.

can you start other things from KDE's autostart?

> I can live with all of those for now. I cannot reproduce 1) and 2)
> reliably, or explain why 3) occurs, so don't consider these blockers -
> just letting you know.

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