[arch-dev-public] definition of the core repo, putting nilfs-utils, btrfs-progs and dosfstools in core

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Fri Dec 24 08:02:39 EST 2010

On 23/12/10 05:27, Eric Bélanger wrote:
> 2- we could have a policy so that after a certain amount of days (7
> days???) in testing and no bug/problem reported, the package can be
> moved to core. The maintainer could bump the thread about halfway
> through.  This will eliminate having packages in testing in weeks
> waiting for signoffs and will give a clear guideline for maintainers
> of these packages.

Don't we sort of have that policy anyway, although maybe not 
officially...   Aaron used to give a "signoff" on any package that had 
been in [testing] for a week or two without signoffs and bug reports.

But an official policy saying that after 7 days a "low usage" package 
can be moved from [testing] provided they do not have a new bug report 
would be useful.  I'd define "low usage" as anything not expected to be 
on most devs installs.


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