[arch-dev-public] Proposal to add burp to [extra].

Thomas Dziedzic gostrc at gmail.com
Sun Apr 8 15:39:04 EDT 2012


To introduce the tool for everyone, burp is an aur uploader written by
burp @ the aur: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=37216

I currently utilized burp in a script called repotoaur for devtools
and have yet to submit the script to devtools.
The patch that introduces it is at https://gist.github.com/2339399
Repotoaur's purpose is to make it easy to move packages from the
supported repos to the aur by introducing 2 commands to devtools
called community2aur and extra2aur.

In order for repotoaur to get included into devtools, burp will need
to be in [extra].
Since bringing an AUR uploader into the supported repos is a grey
area, I would like to start a discussion on the appropriateness of
bringing in burp.

My opinion is that it would be fine since all it is, is an aur package
uploader and nothing more.
What do you guys think?

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