[arch-dev-public] Proposal to add burp to [extra].

Dave Reisner d at falconindy.com
Thu Apr 12 11:32:31 EDT 2012

On Sun, Apr 08, 2012 at 02:39:04PM -0500, Thomas Dziedzic wrote:
> Hi,
> To introduce the tool for everyone, burp is an aur uploader written by
> falconindy.
> burp @ the aur: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=37216
> I currently utilized burp in a script called repotoaur for devtools
> and have yet to submit the script to devtools.
> The patch that introduces it is at https://gist.github.com/2339399
> Repotoaur's purpose is to make it easy to move packages from the
> supported repos to the aur by introducing 2 commands to devtools
> called community2aur and extra2aur.
> In order for repotoaur to get included into devtools, burp will need
> to be in [extra].
> Since bringing an AUR uploader into the supported repos is a grey
> area, I would like to start a discussion on the appropriateness of
> bringing in burp.
> My opinion is that it would be fine since all it is, is an aur package
> uploader and nothing more.
> What do you guys think?

Since there hasn't really been any strong opposition to this, I'll move
burp into [extra] when I get a chance (probably tomorrow).


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