[arch-dev-public] Dropping LXDM

Gaetan Bisson bisson at archlinux.org
Wed Sep 11 03:21:12 EDT 2013

[2013-09-11 08:56:42 +0200] Bartłomiej Piotrowski:
> On 2013-09-11 00:53, Allan McRae wrote:
> > Also "thanks to its developers and recent changes in package" and
> > "during 2 years since last release" make zero sense taken together.
> What exactly doesn't make sense? The fact that LXDM is based on
> ConsoleKit and even with git patch is unable to utilize logind correctly?

Upstream seems pretty active; do you mean that all the problems we have
with our package are still present in git master? If not, we should try
to convince upstream to make a release - and if they are not willing to
we can always package a git snapshot.


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