[arch-dev-public] providing grsecurity in [community]

Massimiliano Torromeo massimiliano.torromeo at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 03:30:34 EDT 2014

In data domenica 20 aprile 2014 18:40:15, Gaetan Bisson ha scritto:
> What part of "do it in a separate repo for the time being" didn't you
> understand and/or like? That solution seemed to make everyone happy...

Actually it only made happy the developers/tu that didn't care one bit about 

I surely am not happy about that solution and others have expressed concerns 
about this (Bartłomiej Piotrowski and Connor Behan come to mind) so I am not 
sure who is here that is ignoring feedback...

Massimiliano "mtorromeo" Torromeo
Arch Linux TU
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