[arch-dev-public] [RFC] archive.archlinux.org

Gaetan Bisson bisson at archlinux.org
Sun Oct 18 02:20:40 UTC 2015

[2015-10-17 21:02:00 +0200] Sébastien Luttringer:
> Q: We will support old packages?
> A: No. Nothing change. We already have to check when people report bugs
> they upgraded their system to the last version.

I note that we provide aur.archlinux.org as a service to the community,
but with a big warning that AUR packages are not supported. To me, your
project would be exactly the same: we'd provide an archive.archlinux.org
service (with associated helper scripts) but it would come with big
warnings that this is for diagnosis purposes only, and that outdated
packages are not supported.



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