[arch-dev-public] Merging {g,}vim-python3 into {g,}vim package

Anatol Pomozov anatol.pomozov at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 16:23:52 UTC 2016


Currently vim split package creates several binary packages:
 vim-runtime (common runtime data)
 vim-minimal (vim without language bindings)
 vim (vim with ruby, lua language bindings + python2 support)
 vim-python3 (vim with ruby, lua language bindings + python3 support)
 gvim, gvim-python3 ditto for graphical based vim

The fact that we have separate package for python2 and python3 is a
bit confusing and does not allow users to use both languages at the
same time.

Per discussion in https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/47500 I would like
to fold *-python3 packages into {,g}vim. The new {,g}vim will have
both languages support.

Thoughts, objections?

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