[arch-dev-public] mailman3/hyperkitty/postorius in the repos now

David Runge dave at sleepmap.de
Sun Feb 2 16:48:08 UTC 2020

Hey all!

I'm just on my way home from FOSDEM - train time, mail time ;-)

I've spent the last weeks bringing the mailman3 ecosystem(!) to
[community] and [community-testing] (~56 packages). Today I've added
wiki pages for mailman3 [1] (it will replace the current mailman page
once it's done by moving that to be 'mailman2' and eventually deleting
it), hyperkitty [2] and postorius [3].

I've done initial integration tests with mailman3, hyperkitty and
postorius and they "should just work"(TM).

Before moving all the stuff to [community] and replacing the wiki page,
it would be great to get some further integration testing with actual
mail servers (note the expansion macro [4] in the mailman article) and
importing of mailman2 data [5] [6] going.

Any help is very much appreciated, as the switch requires quite the data
migration and configuration changes for e.g. our own lists (the archives
of some of them are pretty large).

Additionally, the hosting aspects of both Hyperkitty and Postorius need
some expansion as well (e.g. for Apache setups and for proper subdomain

Everyone, feel invited to install and test the applications and propose
fixes and expansions to the documentation (or packages) as needed.


[1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/User:Davezerave/Mailman
[2] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Hyperkitty
[3] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Postorius
[4] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/User:Davezerave/Mailman#Integrate_with_a_mail_server
[5] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/User:Davezerave/Mailman#Migrate_from_mailman_%3C_3.0
[6] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Hyperkitty#Importing_mailman2_archives

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