[arch-dev-public] Discussion - Increasing our CPU requirements

Gaetan Bisson bisson at archlinux.org
Sun Mar 29 23:10:23 UTC 2020

[2020-03-29 16:25:48 +0100] Filipe Laíns via arch-dev-public:
> What I would for us to do is to create a x86-64-axv2, etc. that would
> complement x86-64. We would not add it as a target for all packages,
> just for the ones that make sense.
> For this pacman would have to support architecture priority. We could
> have something like this:
> Architecture = x86-64-axv2 x86-64

I'd like to say why not but everything remains to be done, here. Whereas
pacman and our toolchain have mature support for multiple architectures,
and they have it today.

> My point here is that to me it does not really make sense to drop
> support for older CPUs. We will have little benefit in newer CPUs.

Nothing is being dropped. Every CPU that does not support the new
architecture can keep running the x86_64 packages they currently do.

> Then automate it? Is there any reason why we can't have the tooling
> build all architectures for us? Why not have an `extra-build` helper
> that will call extra-$arch-build for all every architecture?

That would be awesome but the tooling does not yet exist. Personally I
do not consider it terribly bothersome to build packages for multiple
architectures like we did for i686 and x86_64. And I think it would be
preferable to introduce a new architecture tomorrow than wait a few more
months in the hope someone implements your proposed scheme.


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