[arch-devops] Stepping down from DevOps

Sven-Hendrik Haase svenstaro at gmail.com
Sun Aug 2 12:12:32 UTC 2020

On 01.08.20 15:04, Florian Pritz via arch-devops wrote:
> Hi,
> As you have probably noticed, my involvement in DevOps tasks has dwindled
> in recent months. I have given away a few tasks to others already, but
> since I hardly use my root access any more, I think it is finally time
> to officially open up the spot and let someone else take over.
> Back when we started the DevOps team nearly 5 years ago (good god, time
> flies), Allan asked me if I wanted to lead the "infrastructure team"
> (old name). I am glad that I have never needed to use the team leader
> hat since we could discuss pretty much every problem and reach an
> agreement. Given that things have worked so well in the past, I'm
> inclined to simply discontinue the (unused) team leader hat. Considering
> how little, well, actually not at all, I have used the hat, most people
> are probably not even aware of it, so this feel like the most logical
> choice. I think having a core team of active people that discuss the
> issues and then come to an agreement has worked well in the past and it
> is something worth keeping.
> I'm still amazed by what you guys accomplished over the last year and I
> hope that making space and letting others join will only allow the team
> to be even more awesome!
> All that said, please disable my root access and remove me from the
> various infrastructure/devops/root related email aliases and services
> (kanboard and gitlab come to mind). Please do keep me on the
> mirrors at archlinux.org alias for now though since I still handle mirror
> related requests. I also see that I am the only one on the
> dmarc-reports@ alias. If nobody is interested in the reports, please
> remove the relevant line from the DMARC DNS entry in the archlinux.org
> zone. Also, please remove my email address from the explicit hetzner
> contact list. If you think of anything else that I forgot, please
> disable it or, if in doubt, feel free to ask on IRC if I still need it.
> Thanks for the journey!
> Florian

Hey Florian,

Sad to see you go! You've done so much for Arch infrastructure. I hope
you'll find time to return to it some day. You'll be more than welcome
to return. :)

Truth be told, I had no idea we had a devops leader role. :P

I've made a ticket to handle the offboarding tasks.


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