[arch-devops] Gitlab Meeting Wednesday 5th May 18:30 UTC - 20:30 CEST

Jelle van der Waa jelle at vdwaa.nl
Sun May 3 15:35:41 UTC 2020

Hi All,

I propose we have a meeting about possibly using Gitlab, it's currently
setup as a PoC on gitlab.archlinux.org
There are however still some things we need to nail down and discuss:

- GitLab <-> GitHub sync
- GitLab security considerations
- GitLab general user collaboration
- Gitlab groups/roles? (on Github we have groups of "maintainers")
- Gitlab backups
  * what to backup?
- git.archlinux.org migrations?
  * can we abolish git.archlinux.org? (reduce maintenance)
  * do we archive old projects?
  * do we redirect old projects to a the new location?
- What Gitlab runners to use and on what hardware?
- what goes onto GitLab?
- what goes onto Keycloak?
- next projects to migrate to Keycloak?

I also propose we should make it clear that the PoC Gitlab instance is
not to be used for certain use cases as:-
- building packages/signing etc.
- onboarding external users for now



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