[arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up the base group

Alessio Bolognino themolok.ml at gmail.com
Fri Aug 29 21:02:42 EDT 2008

On Fri 2008-08-29 23:42, Pierre Schmitz wrote:
> Am Freitag 29 August 2008 12:27:50 schrieb Thomas Bächler:
> > - nano Do we really need another editor in base? Let's leave it in
> > core, remove it from base.
> This might end up in a flamwar, but if we have to remove one editor I
> would vote vor vim and keep nano. [... more nonsense ]

======================> *   THIS    * <================================
======================> *    IS     * <================================
======================> *  MADNESS! * <================================

:%s/Pierre Schmitz/Wuss Infidel/g

Alessio (molok) Bolognino

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