[arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up the base group

Karolina Lindqvist karolina.lindqvist at kramnet.se
Sat Aug 30 11:52:15 EDT 2008

lördagen den 30 augusti 2008 skrev Alessio Bolognino:

> > This might end up in a flamwar, but if we have to remove one editor I
> > would vote vor vim and keep nano. [... more nonsense ]
>                           vvvvvvvvv
>                         *************
> ======================> *   THIS    * <================================
> ======================> *    IS     * <================================
> ======================> *  MADNESS! * <================================
>                         *************
>                           ^^^^^^^^^
> :%s/Pierre Schmitz/Wuss Infidel/g
> :wq!

Please not vim, since if you don't know vim, you very fast get stuck. I just 
installed and tried vim, and first it beeped on any key pressed. Then somehow 
it stopped, and I could not exit instead. I tried CTRL-C CTRL-C...., and it 
said ":quit to exit", but it did not work either. So "killall vim" was the 
way to exit. Yes, madness is the right word.

nano is more logical. Everything you type inserts, and i has a menu at the 
bottom always. So you can figure out he first time.

vim is a speciality editor, since you need to know it to use it. emacs is 
similar there. Both require you to learn it to do even simple things. And 
when installing a system, you need something so that you can edit the files 
to get started. For a novice there should be an editor that is 
self-explanatory, and it appears that nano can work there.

But then I don't care since I anyway do:
pacman -Rs vim nano

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