[arch-general] Who is confused, pacman or me?

Neil Darlow neil at darlow.co.uk
Sat Jan 26 13:19:22 EST 2008


Xavier wrote:
> But, when you -Su, does it still want to install etracer 0.4 ?

It didn't want to update etracer. I had to manually update the package 

> This versioning confuses pacman (and it isn't something that can be 
> fixed), but we have the force options for these cases.
> And the force option was used for this package, as you can see there :
> http://cvs.archlinux.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/games/etracer/PKGBUILD?cvsroot=AUR&only_with_tag=CURRENT 

No forced update was done. Just a warning that the local version was 
newer was issued.

Neil Darlow

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