[arch-general] blurry fonts at Qt4 apps

Maik Beckmann maikbeckmann at gmx.de
Tue Jan 29 13:32:21 EST 2008

Am Dienstag 29 Januar 2008 18:11:40 schrieb Attila:
> On Dienstag, 29. Januar 2008 08:54 Maik Beckmann wrote:
> As i see your name: If you don't understand my "fantastic" english my
> natural language is german.-)

No problems so far, but I offer the same to you :)

> > However,  the fact that the font rendering differs if rgba is set to rgb
> > and do not if it's set to vrgb sounds like black magic to me.  I would
> > really like to figure out what is going on.


> > Can you please try rgb instead of vrgb, just for comparison?
> I do this and there was not such a difference as for you and i have
> definitely no shadows. The most and only difference is in the konsole
> (Dejavu Sans Mono).

Can you please send a screenshot, i.e. of qtconfig, to me off list?  It might help me.

> > PS: how can one figure out which rgba mode is supported by the hardware?
> In a perfect world it is in the manual of your monitor. But as example i
> have a NEC 2190UXp (connected with DVI to a GeForce 7600 GS and driver
> version 169.09) and instead the manual says that it use rgb it looks better
> with vrgb. So i must say that in the most cases i prefer my normal
> try&error game:

I did the same until now.  I hoped there is a command which reads this info  from the hardware.

>... if you realy wants this
> here be the links which helps me in the past (i hope my suspicion that you
> can understand german is correct):
> http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Xorg_and_Fonts
> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antialiasing
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fontconfig
> http://wiki.unixboard.de/index.php/FreeBSD_-_Bessere_Schriften
> http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Schriften
> http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Schriftbild_verbessern
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fonts/DejavuFeedbackCall

I know most of them,  except the fedora site.  However, I will consult them again, thx!

Best Regards,
 -- Maik

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