[arch-general] initscripts-splash

dongiovanni at archlinux.de dongiovanni at archlinux.de
Fri Mar 14 10:24:07 EDT 2008

> 2008/3/13, dongiovanni at archlinux.de <dongiovanni at archlinux.de>:
>> > On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 2:58 PM,  <dongiovanni at archlinux.de> wrote:
>>  >> Hallo,
>>  >>
>>  >>  Currently I'm maintaining splashy and fbsplash. Some time ago there
>> was
>>  >> a
>>  >>  discussion of integration of the splash hooks in the initscripts in
>>  >>  [core].
>>  >>  Is there something planed? It would reduce problems for some less
>>  >>  experienced users.
>>  >
>>  > Actually, anyone can do it and you don't even need to overwrite the
>>  > initscripts package. The initscripts in testing will load functions
>>  > from /etc/rc.d/functions.d/*. Due to the way shell scripts work, if I
>>  > redefine a function, it overwrites it.
>>  >
>>  > This way, one can simply create a functions.d/ file that overrides
>> the
>>  > standard stat_* functions to call splash related functions. No need
>> to
>>  > additions to the initscripts package, it's all there for ya.
>>  >
>>  >
>> I must have missed that ;) Thanks... I hope I will get a working
>> solution
>>  on that soon!
> Actually, I was planning to steal fbsplash and splashy and put them in
> community ;-)
> but didn't have much time recently to actually do this. :-(
> In addition I want to do a couple of small changes to initscripts that
> will not affect non-splashed systems at all, but will just provide
> more places to hook something via functions.d

Nice! This would make the scripts for fbsplash/splashy much easier to
write. It makes no sense to start porting them to the functions.d system
right now, right?
If I can help you writing new scripts, when you will take fbsplash, let me


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