[arch-general] Current FTP/HTTP install broken

Xavier shiningxc at gmail.com
Mon Mar 24 06:25:27 EDT 2008

Gerhard Brauer a écrit :
>> Am Montag, 24. März 2008 schrieb Dan McGee:
>>> We don't use filelists anymore in packages. The new ISO will use a
>>> much more recent version of pacman so this won't be an issue.
> Are the missing filelists in packages the "stopper"? I did some
> ftp-installs last 2 weeks and never looked on the output after base
> packages install. I assume the real stoppers are the conflicting
> CHANGELOG files, right?

Ah well, I answered Dan privately because I found this confusing, but I 
should have answered here probably :)
When .FILELIST files are absent, pacman rebuilds the filelist by reading 
the tarball. There is a problem with 3.0 though, it didn't ignore 
.CHANGELOG while rebuilding that filelist. So this problem is only 
triggered when using pacman 3.0, with new packages that don't have 
.FILELIST anymore, and have a changelog.
This issue has been fixed ages ago in 3.1, and there is a new iso with 
3.1 in preparation, so there is nothing to do but wait.

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