[arch-general] arch-release

Dieter Plaetinck dieter at plaetinck.be
Wed Aug 26 08:21:58 UTC 2009

On Wed, 26 Aug 2009 18:12:53 +1000
richard terry <rterry at pacific.net.au> wrote:

> Thanks for the replies, me I didn't mean anything, they just asked me
> what was in the file.
> pacman -Q obviously not the answer, but whilst on that  - is it
> possible to do a pacman -Q, save the output somewhere, then on
> another machine, just reverse the process? Would save me heaps of
> time putting a system back together as happened last week when i had
> to replace my HDD, taken me ages to 'remember' everything I had on it.

of course.  if you want to know the recommended commandline flags: this comes up on the wiki/forums frequently.
In fact, part of my personal backup system is keeping a package list in svn instead of the actual files. (along with /etc and /home in version control, a generated list of installed ruby gems, etc etc),
and i have a config file for aif which can reconstruct the entire system by bringing all parts together again in a smart way
(I've blogged about this a few times as well, but it's still a work in progress for me)


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