[arch-general] arch-release

Jan de Groot jan at jgc.homeip.net
Wed Aug 26 08:25:50 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-08-26 at 10:04 +0200, Dieter Plaetinck wrote:
> maybe we should delete it.   
> Did you mean 'identifying whether a system is arch linux' (which seems
> pretty pointless, you know when a system is arch linux) OR do you mean
> 'identify which "version" an arch system is' ?
> Assuming the latter, a better "system identification" would be
> something like `pacman -Q`

When /etc/arch-release exists, a script or application knows that it's
running on archlinux. With just "pacman -Q" you won't prove it's
archlinux, as my debian webserver with custom-compiled software also
returns output there: I use pacman to manage my custom compiled
software, no matter what distribution I use.

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