[arch-general] introducing kernel26-lts

Jan de Groot jan at jgc.homeip.net
Wed Aug 26 15:52:51 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-08-26 at 10:29 -0500, Aaron Griffin wrote:
> I half-way agree. The issue is that, no matter what you _intend_ with
> something, people will always do something you don't expect. It's part
> of the reason you see warnings like "Do not put in nose" on a package
> for an electric toothbrush :)
> We _may_ have to maintain the out-of-tree network drivers, at the very
> least, but I don't know if nvidia is worth it. Perhaps someone will
> begin making a side repo with additional LTS modules (*hint* *hint*)

WTF? They do put that on toothbrush packages? :D

Anyways, the nice thing about an LTS kernel is that it's LTS stable. So
if you compile your own Nvidia drivers that are also LTS, they will keep
working, no matter how often you update the LTS kernel. That's the whole
idea of having a LTS kernel.

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