[arch-general] Fix or not fix? install scriptlets with user handling.

Attila attila at invalid.invalid
Fri May 29 11:42:23 EDT 2009

On Freitag, 29. Mai 2009 08:20 Xavier wrote:

> The restart of the daemon could fail because the config file has not
> been updated yet with the .pacnew one.
> It might not be a good idea to restart the daemon automatically
> without checking the config first.

I'm be with you that the config has to be changed or at minimum controlled
first but if a restart will fails (case 1) than it will fails at the next
reboot too (case 2) and i don't see any reason why case 1 is so much more
important as case 2.

And still again i suggest to take a look at other distros where daemons get
restarted without a problem during a upgrade procedure. Sorry, but i find
this rule of "don't restart during the upgrade" a little bit academically.-)

> In any cases, this is not something that you can control globally. It
> has to be handled separately in every install scriptlet of daemon
> packages. Also keep that in mind.

Absoulutely +1 and i say only my opinion about the same thing.

See you, Attila

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